In this book we have used primarily the whole Bible in the original languages and Hebrew rabbinic sources. They are familiar to experts in the field, and they are quoted where necessary with reference to scholarly studies. In addition, we have followed rabbinic commentaries, Pauline studies and Western studies of Judaism.

Baeck, Leo, Das Evangelium als Urkunde der Jüdischen Glaubensgeschichte, Berlin 1938
Ben-Chorin, Shalom, Paulus. Der Völkerapostel in jüdischer Sicht, München 1970
Ben-Chorin, Shalom, Jüdische Ethik anhand der Patristischen Perikopen (über Gamaliel etc.), Tübingen 1983
Benz, Karl, Die Ethik des Apostels Paulus, Freiburg: Herder 1912
Best, Ernest, Paul and his Converts, Edinburg 1988
Blank, Josef, Paulus, Aspekte der paulinischen Lehre und Praxis, München 1982
Borgen, Peder, Philo, John and Paulus: New Perspectives on Judaism and Early Christianity, Atlanta 1987
Bornkamm, Günther, Paulus, Dritte Augl. Stuttgart 1977
Bruce, F.F., Paul, Apostle of the Free Spirit, Paternoster Press 1985
Cerfaux, Lucien, The Spiritual Journey of Saint Paul, New York 1968
Cunningham, Philip, Jewish Apostle to the Gentiles: Paul as He Saw Himself, Conn. 1986
Gaston, Lloyd, Paul and the Torah, Vancouver 1987
Deissman, Adolf, Paul, a Study in Social and Religious History, Harper N.Y. 1957
Ehrenpreis, Marcus, Talmud, fariseism, urkristendom. Fem föredrag, Stockholm 1933
Ehrenpreis, Marcus, Israels Nutid och framtid. Valda essayer av samtida jüdiska tänkare, Stockholm 1921
Fitzpatrick, Joseph, Paul: Saint of the Inner City, Mahwah N.Y.
Flanagan, Neal, Friend Paul: his Letters, Theology and Humanity, Wilmington Del. 1986
Fraser, John, Jesus and Paul: Paul as Interpreter of Jesus from Harnack to Kümmel, Appleford 1974
Georgi, Dieter, Die Geschichte der Kollekte des Paulus für Jerusalem, Hamburg 1965
Gooch, Paul, Partial Knowledge: Philosophical Studies in Paul, Notre Dame Ind. 1987
Grollenberg, Lucas, Paul, Westmin. Press, Philadelphia 1978
Hock, Ronald, The Social Context of Paul¾s Ministry, Philadelphia 1980
Holzner, Joseph, Paul of Tarsus, Herder London 1949
Hübner, Hans, Das Gesetz bei Paulus, Göttingen 1978
Jocz, Jacob, The Jewish People and Jesus Christ. A Study in the Controversy between Church and Synagogue, London 1954
Kanter, Shamai, Rabban Gamaliel II, the Legal Traditions, Chico Calif. 1980
Klausner, Joseph, Ha-ra¾ajon ha-meshihi be-Israel, Jerusalem 1927
Klein, Gottlieb, Den Första Kristna Kategesen (Didakhe). Dess Religionshistoriska Förutsättningar, Stockholn 1908
Klein, Bidrag till Israels Religionshistoria, Sex föredrag, Stockholm 1898
Knox, John, Chapters in the Life of Paul, N.Y. 1950
Kosmala, Hans, Hebräer - Essener - Christen, Leiden 1959
Kraeling, Emil G., The Life of the Apostle Paul, N.Y. 1979
Kraus, Hans-Joachim, Begegnung mit dem Judentum. Das Erbe Israels und die Christenheit, Hamburg 1963
Kuss, Otto, Paulus. Die Rolle des Apostles in der theologischen Entwicklung der Urkirche, Regensburg 1976
Laato, Timo, Paulus und das Judentum: anthropologische Erwägungen, Turku 1991
Lapide, Pinchas and Stuhlmacher, Peter, Paul, Rabbi and Apostle, Minn. 1984
Lindeskog, Gösta, Die Jesusfrage im Neuzeitlichen Judentum, Uppsala 1938
Lüdemann, Gerd, Paulus und das Judentum, München 1983
Maccoby, Haym, Paul and Hellenism, London 1991
Meeks, Wayne, The First Urban Christians: the Social World of the Apostle Paul, New Haven 1983
Moe, Olaf, The Apostle Paul, his Life and his Work, Minneapolis 1950
Moe, Olaf, The Apostle Paul, his Message and Doctrine, Minneapolis 1954
Montefiore, Claude, Judaism and St. Paul, N.Y. 1973
Murphy - O'Connor, Jerome, Becoming Human Together: the Pastoral Anthropology of St. Paul, Wilmin. Del. 1982
O'Brien, Isidore, Peter and Paul Apostles: an Account of the Early Years of the Church, Paterson 1950
Odeberg, Hugo, Farisealaisuus ja kristillisyys, Rauma 1947
Radice, Roberto, Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography, Leiden 1988
Ricciotti, Giuseppe, Paul the Apostle, Milwaukee, Bruce 1853
Rengstorf, Karl, Das Paulusbild in der neueren deutschen Forschung, Darmstadt 1969
Ridderbos, Herman, Paul and Jesus, Nutley, New Jersey 1977
Ridderbos, Herman, Paul. An Outline of His Theology, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1985
Rops, Daniel, Saint Paul, Apostle of Nations, Chicago Ill. 1953
Rowland, Christopher, Christian Origins: an Account of ...the most Important Messianic Sect of Judaism. Paul ss. 194 - 235, SPCK London 1985
Räisänen, Heikki, Paul and the Law, Tübingen 1983
Sanders, E.P., Paulus und das palästinische Judentum, Ruprecht 1977
Sanders, E.P., Paul, the Law and the Jewish People, Minneapolis 1985
Schelkle, Karl, Paulus. Leben - Briefe- Theologie, Darmstadt 1981
Schlatter, Adolf, Jesus und Paulus, Stuttgart 1961
Schmithals, Walter, Paulus und Jakobus, Göttingen 1963
Schoeps, Hans Joachim, Jüdisch-Christliches Religionsgespräch in 19 Jahrhunderten, Berlin 1929
Scholem, Gershom, Judaica, Frankfurt am Main 1963
Segal, Alan, Paul the Convert, New Haven 1990
Sevenster, Jan Nikolaas, Paul und Seneca, Leiden 1961
Smyth, Bernard, Paul: Mystic and Missionary, N.Y. 1980
Strack, Hermann L., Einleitung in Talmud und Midrasch, München 1976
Tabor, James, Things Unutterable: Paul¾s Ascent to Paradise in its Greco-Roman, Judaic and Early Christian Contexts. Lanham 1986
Tomson, Peter, Paul and the Jewish Law: Halakha in the Letters of the Apostle to the Gentiles, Minn. Fortress Press 1990
Tresmontant, Claude, Saint Paul and the Mystery of Christ, N.Y. 1957
Valentin, Hugo, Antisemitismen i historisk och kritisik belysning, Stockholm 1935
Watson, Francis, Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles: a Sociological Approach, London 1986
White, A.N., Roman Society and Roman Law in the N.T., Oxford 1963

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