In our roots studies we have used principally Hebrew and Aramaic source texts, well-known to those familiar with the subject. Adequate reference to the literature is made in the text itself. Western studies concerned solely with the Messianic idea, which we have followed through the years, amount to, according to my card index, around 300. In this NT section the most pertinent of them are probably the following: 

Zvi Baras, Messianism and Eschatology, A Coll. of Essays,   Jerusalem 1983. 
Adolf Bauer, Vom Judentum zum Christentum, Leipzig 1917. 
Leo Baeck, Das Evangelium als Urkunde der jüdischen Glaubens-  geschichte, Berlin 1938. 
Shalom Ben Chorin, Die Antwort des Jona, Hamburg 1956. 
   Im jüdisch-christlichen Gespräch, Berlin 1962. 
   Jüdischer Glaube, Tübingen 1975. 
David Bivin & Roy B. Blizzard, Understanding the Difficult Words  of Jesus, Arcadia, Calif. 1983. 
F. F. Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable,   London 1960. 
   Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament,   Michigan 1974. 
Martin Buber, Das kommende Königtum Gottes, Berlin 1936. 
   Ich und Du, Leipzig 1922. 
   Zwei Glaubensweisen, Zürich 1950. 
Hayim Cohen,  Jerusalem 1968. 
Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus, London 1886. 
   The Temple, Its Ministry and Services, Michigan 1975. 
Marcus Ehrenpreis, Talmud, fariseism, urkristendom,  Uppsala 1933. 
   Judisk religion i vår tid, Stockholm 1950. 
   Israels nutid och framtid, Stockholm 1921. 
Isidore Epstein, Judaism, London 1973. 
Paul Fiebig, Altjüdische Gleichnisse und die Gleichnisse Jesu,  Tübingen 1904. 
David Flusser, Die konsequente Philologie und die Worte Jesu,   Jerusalem 1968. 
M. Gertner, Midrashim in the New Testament, Jew. Sem. Stud.  7, 1962, pp. 267-292. 
I. B. Gottlieb, Formula Comparison in Midrash Research,  Jew. Q. Rev. 70, 1979-80. 
Joseph Heinemann, The Poem in the Aggadic Midrashim, Scripta  Hieros. Vol. 22. 
Adolf Jellinek, Bet Ha-Midrasch I-II, Jerusalem 1967. 
Joachim Jeremias, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, London 1969. 
Jakob Jocz, The Jewish People and Jesus Christ, London 1954. 
Joseph Klausner, The Messianic Idea in Israel, London 1956. 
   Jesus von Nazareth, Jerusalem 1952. 
   Von Jesus zu Paulus, Jerusalem 1950. 
Gottlieb Klein, Bidrag till Israels Religionshistoria,  Stockholm 1898. 
   Är Jesus en historisk personlighet, Stockholm 1910. 
   Den första kristna katekesen, Stockholm 1908. 
Hans Kosmala, Hebräer -- Essener -- Christen, Leiden 1959. 
George M. Lamsa, Die Evangelien in aramäischer Sicht,  Lugano 1963. 
Pinchas E. Lapide, Jesus in Israeli School Books, Journal of  Ecum. Studies, Vol. 10, 1973. 
Gösta Lindeskog, Die Jesusfrage im Neuzeitlichen Judentum,  Uppsala 1938. 
Robert L. Lindsey, A Hebrew Translation of the Gospel of Mark,  Jerusalem 1973. 
Johan Maier, Jesus von Nazareth in der Talmudischen Überlieferung, Darmstadt 1978. 
W. Manson, The EGO EIMI of the Messianic Presence in the New Testament, JTS 1947. 
C. G. Montefiore, The Synoptic Gospels, London 1927. 
   Rabbinic Literature and Gospel Teachings, London 1930. 
S. Mowinckel, He That Cometh, Oxford 1956. 
Jacob Neusner, First Century Judaism in Crisis, New York 1975. 
James Parkes, The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue,  New York 1977. 
Bernhard Pick, Jesus in the Talmud, His Personality, His Disciples  and His Sayings, London 1913. 
John A. T. Robinson, Redating the New Testament,  SCM Press 1976. 
S. Safrai & M. Stern, The Jewish People in the First Century,  Amsterdam 1976. 
Hayyim Schauss, the Jewish Festivals, History and Observance,  New York 1978. 
Emil Schürer, The Jewish People in the Time of Jesus,  New York 1963. 
I. L. Seeligmann, Voraussetzungen der Midraschexegese,  Supl. Vet. Test. 1, 1953. 
Stauffer, Messias oder Menschensohn, NT 1956. 
L. Hermann Strack, Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash,  Meridian Books, New York 1959. 
Karl Thieme, Judenfeindschaft, Darstellung und Analysen,  Frankfurt am Main 1963. 
K. Weiss, Messianismus in Qumran und im Neuen Testament, Berlin 1963. 
John Wilkinson, Jerusalem as Jesus knew it. Archaeology as Evidence, London 1978. 
Addison G. Wright, the Literary Genre Midrash, Albe House, New York 1967. 
Moritz Zobel, Gottgesalbter, Der Messias und die messianische Zeit in Talmud und Midrasch, Berlin 1938. 

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